Insurance Company Contacts
Below you can find contact numbers for most of the major insurance companies in the United States listed in alphabetical order.
Company | Main claims number | Disaster claims number |
AIG Insurance Co. | AIG Personal Lines: | AIG Personal Lines: |
(800) 433-8880 | (800) 433-8880 | |
AIG Commercial Lines: | AIG Commercial Lines: | |
(888) 244-2736 | (888) 244-2736 | |
Allied Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 282-9445 | (800) 282-9445 |
Allstate Insurance Co. | (800) 386-6126 | (800) 547-8676 |
Amco Insurance Co. | (800) 282-9445 | (800) 282-9445 |
American Casualty Co. | (800) 437-8854 | (800) 437-8854 |
American Employers Insurance Co. | In Mass.: | In Mass.: |
(800) 284-6730 | (800) 284-6730 | |
Outside Mass.: | Outside Mass.: | |
(508) 549-9147 | (508) 549-9147 | |
American Family Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 374-1111 | |
American Home Assurance Co. | Personal: | Personal: |
(800) 562-2208 | (800) 562-2208 | |
Business: | Business: | |
(877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 | |
American International Ins Co. | (800) 562-2208 | (800) 562-2208 |
American States Insurance Co. | (888) 557-5010 | (888) 723-3265 |
Anthem Casualty Insurance Co. | (800) 537-5568 | (800) 299-6303 |
Arbella Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 972-5348 | |
Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. | (781) 890-9300 ext. 2502 | Set up during disaster |
Atlanta Casualty Co. | (770) 447-8930 | (770) 447-8930 |
Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 945-7461 | |
Auto Club of Southern California Interinsurance Exchange | 24-hour, toll-free claims hotline | (800) 67CLAIM |
Auto-Owners Insurance Co. | (517) 323-1365 | (517) 323-1365 |
Berkshire Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 892-8877 | (800) 892-8877 |
Birmingham Fire Insurance of PA | (877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 |
Buckeye Union Insurance Co. | (312) 822-5000 | (312) 822-5000 |
California State Auto Assn. Inter-Ins | (800) 922-8228 | (800) 922-8228 |
Camden Fire Insurance Assn. | (888) 421-2111 | (800) 456-0996 |
CIGNA Property & Casualty Ins Co. | (215) 761-1000 | Varies by state. Call main number. |
Cincinnati Insurance Co. | Call your agent | Temporary storm offices set up on an as-needed basis |
Citizens Insurance Co. of America | (800) 628-0250 | (800) 628-0250 |
Colonial Penn Insurance Co. | (800) 523-4040 | (800) 523-4040 |
Commerce & Industry Insurance Co. | (877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 |
Commerce Insurance Co. | (800) 221-1605 | (800) 221-1605 |
Commercial Union Insurance Co. | In Mass.: | In Mass.: |
(800) 284-6730 | (800) 284-6730 | |
Outside of Mass.: | Outside of Mass.: | |
(508) 549-9147 | (508) 549-9147 | |
Continental Casualty Co. | (312) 822-5000 | (312) 822-5000 |
Continental Insurance Co. | (312) 822-5000 | (312) 822-5000 |
Coregis Insurance Co. | (312) 849-5000 | (312) 849-5000 |
Country Companies Insurance Group | (800) 846-0100 | (800) 846-0100 |
CUMIS Insurance Society Inc | (800) 637-2676 | (800) 637-2676 |
Dairyland Insurance Co. | (715) 346-9200 | (715) 346-9200 |
Deerbrook Insurance Co. | (800) 253-6611 | |
Explorer Insurance Co. | In Calif.: | |
(800) 788-8984 | ||
Outside Calif.: | ||
(858) 350-2400 | ||
Farmers Insurance Group of Cos. | (888) 516-5656 | (888) 344-4343 |
Fidelity & Deposit Co. of MD | (800) 854-6011 | (800) 854-6011 |
Fire Insurance Exchange | (888) 516-5656 | (888) 344-4343 |
Firemens Insurance Co. of Newark NJ | (312) 822-5000 | (312) 822-5000 |
Foremost Insurance Co. | (800) 527-3907 | (800) 527-3907 |
Fortune Insurance Co. | (800) 933-8585 | |
GEICO Indemnity Co. | (800) 841-3000 | |
General Accident Ins. Co. of America (CGU) | (888) 421-2111 | (800) 456-0996 |
General Casualty of WI | (888) 737-8256 | (888) 737-8256 |
General Insurance Co. of America | (206) 545-5841 | (206) 545-5841 |
Georgia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. | (912) 474-8411 | (912) 474-8411 |
Government Employees Insurance Co. | (800) 841-3000 | |
Grange Mutual Casualty Co. | (800) 445-3030 | (800) 445-3030 |
Great American Insurance Co. | (800) 724-7722 | Set up during disaster |
Great West Casualty Co. | (800) 228-8040 | |
Hanover Insurance Co. | (508) 855-8000 | (508) 855-8000 |
Harleysville Insurance Cos. | (800) 892-8877 | (800) 892-8877 |
Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. | Personal: | Personal: |
(800) 243-5860 | (800) 243-5860 | |
Business: | Business: | |
1-800-327-3636 | 1-800-327-3636 | |
Hartford Casualty Insurance Co. | Personal: | Personal: |
(800) 243-5860 | (800) 243-5860 | |
Business: | Business: | |
1-800-327-3636 | 1-800-327-3636 | |
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. | Personal: | Personal: |
(800) 243-5860 | (800) 243-5860 | |
Business: | Business: | |
1-800-327-3636 | 1-800-327-3636 | |
Horace Mann Insurance Co. | (800) 999-1030 | |
Infinity Southern Insurance Co. | (800) 334-1661 | (800) 334-1661 |
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance | (888) 392-5246 | |
Insurance Co. of North America | (215) 761-1000 | Varies by state. Call main number. |
Insurance Co. of the State of PA | Personal: | Personal: |
(800) 562-2208 | (800) 562-2208 | |
Business: | Business: | |
(877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 | |
Integon National Insurance Co. | (800) 468-3466 | (800) 468-3466 |
Interinsurance Exchange Auto Club So. | (714) 850-5111 | (714) 850-5111 |
John Deere Insurance Co. | (800) 635-3377 | |
Kemper Auto and Home | 1-888-216-6066 | |
Kemper Insurance Co. | Call your agent | Personal: |
(800) 3-KEMPER | ||
(800-353-6737) | ||
Commericial: | ||
(800) 450-0692 | ||
Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Ins. Co. | Call your agent | |
Lexington Insurance Co. | (877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 |
Liberty Insurance Corp. | (800) 526-1547 | (800) 526-1547 |
Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. | (800) 526-1547 | (800) 526-1547 |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 526-1547 | (800) 526-1547 |
Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co. | Call your agent | Personal: |
(800) 3-KEMPER | ||
(800-353-6737) | ||
Commericial: | ||
(800) 450-0692 | ||
Medical Liability Mutual Ins Co. | (212) 576-9850 | |
Metropolitan Property & Casualty Co. | (800) 854-6011 | (800) 854-6011 |
Mid-Century Insurance Co. | (888) 516-5656 | (888) 344-4343 |
Motors Insurance Corp. | (313) 556-4632 | |
National Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford | (312) 822-5000 | (312) 822-5000 |
National Indemnity Co | (402) 536-3000 | |
National Union Fire Ins. Pittsburgh | Personal: | Personal: |
(800) 562-2208 | (800) 562-2208 | |
Business: | Business: | |
(877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 | |
Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Co. | (800) 421-3535 | (800) 421-3535 |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 421-3535 | (800) 421-3535 |
New Hampshire Insurance Co. | (877) 366-8423 | (877) 366-8423 |
New Jersey Manufacturers Ins. Co. | (609) 883-1300 | |
New York Casualty Insurance Co. | (800) 892-8877 | (800) 892-8877 |
North Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Ins. | (919) 782-1705 ext. 8693 | (919) 782-1705 ext. 8693 |
North River Insurance Co. | In Mass.: | In Mass.: |
(800) 284-6730 | (800) 284-6730 | |
Outside of Mass.: | Outside of Mass.: | |
(508) 549-9147 | (508) 549-9147 | |
Northern Assurance Co. of America | (617) 725-7033 | (617) 725-7033 |
Occidental Fire & Casualty Insurance Co. | (800) 525-7486 | (800) 525-7486 |
Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. | (513) 867-3000 | |
Oklahoma Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 364-1511 | |
Omni Insurance Co. | (800) 727-OMNI | Varies by state. Call main number. |
-6664 | ||
Pacific Employers Insurance Co. | (215) 761-1000 | Varies by state. Call main number. |
Phoenix Insurance Co. | (800) 252-4633 | (800) 252-4633 |
Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. | (515) 267-5299 | (515) 267-5299 |
Progressive Casualty Insurance Co. | (800) 274-4499 | Set up during disaster |
Progressive Northern Insurance Co. | (800) 274-4499 | Set up during disaster |
Progressive Northwestern Ins. Co. | (800) 274-4499 | Set up during disaster |
Progressive Specialty Insurance Co. | (800) 274-4499 | Set up during disaster |
Protection Mutual Insurance Co. | (847) 825-4474 | (847) 825-4474 |
Reliance Insurance Co. | (215) 761-1000 | Varies by state. Call main number. |
Republic Underwriters Insurance Co. | (214) 559-1270 | (214) 559-1270 |
Rockingham Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 662-5246 | |
Royal Insurance Co. of America | (800) 847-6925 | Set up during disaster |
Safeco Insurance | (800) 332 3226 | |
Scottsdale Insurance Co. | (480) 948-0505 | (480) 948-0505 |
Selective Insurance Co. of America | (973) 948-2900 | |
Sentry Insurance a Mutual Co. | (715) 346-9200 | (715) 346-9200 |
Shelter Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) SHELTER | (800) 743-5837 |
Southern United Fire Insurance Co. | (800) 851-9476 | (800) 851-9476 |
Standard Fire Insurance Co. | (800) 252-4633 | (800) 252-4633 |
State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. | Call your agent | (800) 732-5246 |
State Farm Indemnity Co. | Call your agent | (800) 732-5246 |
State Farm Lloyds | Call your agent | (800) 732-5246 |
State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. | Call your agent | (800) 732-5246 |
Travelers | (860) 277-0111 | (800) CLAIM-33 |
(800) 252-4633 | ||
Trinity Universal Insurance Co. | (214) 360-8039 | (800) 777-2249 ext. 8575 |
Twentieth Century Insurance Co. | (800) 211-7283 | (800) 211-7283 |
United Services Automobile Assn. | (800) 531-8222 | (800) 531-8222 |
United States Fire Insurance Co. | (800) 690-5520 | (800) 690-5520 |
USAA Casualty Insurance Co. | (800) 531-8222 | (800) 531-8222 |
Utica Mutual Insurance Co. | (800) 695-1914 | |
Vesta Fire Insurance Corp. | (800) 444-3928 | |
Westfield Insurance Co. | (800) 443-3311 | (800) 241-2541 |
Windsor Group | (800) 852-8220 | (888) 951-5599 |
Worcester Insurance Co. | (800) 892-8877 | (800) 892-8877 |
Zenith Insurance Co. | (800) 440-5020 | (800) 440-5020 |